AHA Recognised Hypnotherapy Training Courses
Hypnotherapy can be a very rewarding career and the AHA has been at the forefront of setting standards for the profession in Australia for more than 75 years.
The information about courses on this website is not complete, other courses may exist that meet AHA Graduate membership training standards, however, we may not be aware of these.
Training institutions wishing to be added to the list or anyone wishing to discuss training issues can contact the AHA on the Advisory Line 1300 55 22 54. The criteria for placement on the list of recognised training providers is submission of full course details (including hours of study either in person and/or interactive online) for review by the AHA Board.
Although the AHA maintains a list of training providers who offer training courses that meet AHA graduate, professional and /or clinical membership standards, registration with the AHA, and thereby the acquisition of the appropriate membership certificate, is not restricted to applicants from these courses.
Which training organisations are recognised by the AHA?
If you have decided to enrol in a hypnotherapy course, you’d like to know that you will be accepted by Australia’s premier Association. So how do you know if a course is acceptable and meets the AHA's recognised standards? Here are some of the things to consider.
Check if the training provider you are about to join is on the AHA list of recognised providers. These providers will work to ensure their graduates meet the AHA’s requirements. It is also important to ensure that the course you are doing matches the information listed in the AHA Prospectus. For example, some providers will do shorter courses however it is up to you to ensure that the course you are embarking on meets the course content requirements for AHA membership, as listed in the current prospectus.
If that provider is not listed, it could just be that they have not yet applied for recognition. Just contact the AHA Advisory Line 1300 55 22 54 to see if they meet AHA membership requirements.
Once you have commenced your course, consider becoming a student member with the AHA. As an AHA student member with an AHA recognised provider your membership is free of charge and you will be eligible to attend AHA workshops at a discounted member rate.
The AHA is independent of any training organisation and its members come from a variety of training backgrounds. The AHA accepts that each institution will teach hypnosis and hypnotherapy in their own way, however there are core subjects that all applicants will need to have covered to be considered a graduate member and to meet the AHA’s high standards.
See the AHA Prospectus for further information.
A word of caution
In any search for professional training, it is essential to exercise care and common sense. The AHA makes no representations about the expertise or suitability of the training organisations or the accuracy of the information they provide. Where a training facility specifies any accreditation, they are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide.
Individuals seeking to engage in a training program are advised to confirm for themselves the validity of the claims made by the training organisation. See the AHA guidelines to confirm minimum standards. You have the sole responsibility for the decision to engage in a particular course of study, and the AHA is not liable for any injury, loss, or damage that results from your use of the information contained in this training courses guide.
To find a recognised provider or course, refer to a location in tabs below. Please also be aware that many of these courses are delivered in multiple states with the physical location of their head office listed. Internationally recognised providers are also listed. Please contact the training organisation directly to enquire where and how their courses are delivered.
Course curriculum for Graduate Membership of the AHA is 1000 hours from 1st January 2025
Students commencing courses in the latter half of 2023 and beyond will be required to meet the 1000 hours of course curriculum. Those who do not meet the 1000 hour course curriculum requirement will need to undertake additional formal education to meet this requirement prior to Membership being granted.
The Australian Hypnotherapists Association routinely recognise course content to ensure they remain current and continue to meet AHA standards.
Whilst training organisations may be listed as recognised AHA providers, this does not necessarily mean that All courses provided by these organisations are recognised by AHA. Please ensure the course that you choose meets AHA standards.
Courses recognised as AHA entrance level courses
Training provider |
Course name | Course content hours | Interactive online Australia / International |
In person locations | Contact mail | Contact phone |
Academy of Advanced Changework | Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Diploma in NLP, and Certificate in Stress Management | 1036 | Australia and International online |
QLD | academyadvancedchangework@gmail.com | +61 (7) 5329 2293 |
Academy of Therapeutic Hypnosis | Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. Diploma of NLP | 1050 | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA | info@aoth.com.au | +61 405 682 647 | |
Aspire Hypnotherapy Training Providers | Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy | 1089 | Australia and International online |
lisa@ahtp.com.au | 0403 134 798 | |
Australian Hypnotherapy College | Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, NLP | 1200 | Australia and International online |
NSW | admin@ahypno.com.au | 0418 216 836 |
Clover Institute | Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy | 1380 | Australia and International online |
NSW / QLD/ SA / VIC | rhondda@cloverinstitute.com.au | 0419698650 |
Hypnotherapy Training Australia | Advanced Diploma in Clinical Trauma Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy | 2084 | Australia and International online |
NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA | training@hypnotherapytraining.net.au | 0466043611 |
Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy |
Level 1 - Entrance Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy Level 2 - ICHP Diploma in Hypno-psychotherapy (Stage 1 and 2) |
Australia online International online |
QLD/SA/WA | ichp.aust@gmail.com | 0412 907 363 |
New Zealand Academy of Clinical Hypnotherapy | Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy | 1000 | Wellington, New Zealand | info@nzach.ac.nz | +64 27 699 3950 | |
Stirling Institute of Australia | 10974NAT Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy | 1455 | Australia online International online |
VIC | info@sia.edu.au | 1300 790 265 |
Successful Minds Institute | Diploma of Hypnotherapy & NLP (Stage 1) Clinical Diploma of Hypnotherapy & NLP (Stage 1 and 2) |
Australia and International online |
SA | ask@successfulminds.com.au | 1800 4 SUCCESS / 1800478223 |
Course name | Course content hours | Interactive online Australia / International |
In person locations | Contact mail | Contact phone |
Academy of Applied Hypnosis |
Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy | 1884 | Australia and International online |
admin@aahypnosis.com.au | +61 2 9415 6500 | |
Blessings School of Hypnosis | Advance Hypnotherapy Course | 1000 | International online | drpradeep@blessingschoolofhypnosis.com | +91 8624901750 | |
Hypnotherapy College of Australia | Hypnotherapy College of Australia | 1180 | Australia and International online |
admin@hypnotherapycollegeofaustralia.com.au | 0402 609 043 | |
The Institute of Applied Psychology | Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy. | 1470 | Australia and International online |
support@iap.edu.au | 1300 915 497 | |
THE TAD JAMES COMPANY | Diploma of Hypnotherapy and NLP | 1000 | Australia and International online |
NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA | Bogdan@nlpcoaching.com | +61 02 9221 9221 or +61 450602003 |
West Australian Training College of Hypnotherapy (WATCH) | Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy | 1358 | WA | hypnotherapytrainingaustralia@gmail.com | 0438 719 088 |
Courses recognised as Advanced learning (Bridging courses)
Training provider | Course name | Details of course | Course content hours | Interactive online Australia / International |
In person locations | Contact email | Contact phone |
Dr Rob McNeilly | Learning Solutions in Hypnosis | 14 zoom sessions each 2 hours. Lecture, demonstration and practice leading to solid confidence. Practical and respectful ways of using hypnosis to connect clients with their resources | 84 | Australia / International |
rob@cet.net.au |
0433273352 | |
Hypnotherapy Training Australia | Advanced Masters Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy | 300 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA | kaz@hypnotherapytraining.net.au | 0466 043 611 | |
Hypnotherapy Training Australia |
Resource Therapy Clinical Qualifications for Hypnotherapists |
60 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA | kaz@hypnotherapytraining.net.au | 0466 043 611 | |
Australian Hypnotherapy College | Creating a Thriving Practice | Comprehensive training program designed to help therapists establish and grow successful therapy practices, covering essential strategies and practical steps for thriving in the field. | 50 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA/ | admin@ahypno.com.au | 0418 216 836 |
Australian Hypnotherapy College | Weight Loss | Comprehensive training in effective weight loss hypnotherapy and psychotherapy techniques, guiding step-by-step through proven methods for successful outcomes. | 50 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA/ | admin@ahypno.com.au | 0418 216 836 |
Australian Hypnotherapy College | Hypnotic Gastric Banding | Comprehensive training in effective weight loss hypnotherapy and psychotherapy techniques, guiding step-by-step through proven methods for successful outcomes. | 50 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA/ | admin@ahypno.com.au | 0418 216 836 |
Australian Hypnotherapy College | Quit Smoking | Complete training program focusing on hypnotherapy and psychotherapy techniques for smoking cessation, offering step-by-step guidance for effective results. | 50 | Australia / International | NSW / QLD/ SA / TAS / VIC / WA/ | admin@ahypno.com.au | 0418 216 836 |